Tuesday, April 21, 2009


For something so fundamental to investment the surprise is that the definition of an asset is so vague. The US accounting standards body has defined it as being "probable future economic benefits obtained or controlled by a particular entity as a result of past transactions or events". However, within the context of a company's balance sheet, an asset is also a deferred cost. If a company shows plant and equipment of £1m in its balance sheet, that represents past expenditures which have yet to be written off and which, according to the accruals concept of accounting, will be depreciated as the plant is used up. The test of whether the plant is ultimately an asset or a liability will be whether it generates after-tax revenue greater than its cost. For a company to survive, most plant and equipment must pass that test. But for other items which are carried forward as assets, such as the deferred cost of a pension fund, there is no suggestion that they can bring economic benefits.

More generally, the broad categories of investments within a portfolio - shares, bonds, property - are known as assets. Hence the term asset allocation.

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